IT Talent Development
Workshop Offerings
Stage 4: Innovative Anticipator
All workshops have in-person and virtual delivery options
Creating An Agile, Adaptable and Fast Moving Organisation
Innovative thinking, agility and adaptability are a critical form of differentiation and opportunity for today’s IT organisation. In the modern environment of needing to do more with less and being in a constant state of change, your people must think from and your culture must support an entrepreneurial mindset.
Demands on IT are shifting from the “fix it”, “risk averse”, and linear thinking model to one of anticipation, agility and adaptability.
In this workshop, we develop and explore the mindsets, tools, and techniques to develop both your people as well as your culture into one poised for success in the IT environment of today.
Sharpen Your Savvy: Navigating Organisational Politics
Politics is one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated elements in today’s corporate environment. IT professionals who recognise the importance and practice of positive politics are some of the most respected, credible and influential people in their companies. These politically savvy pros build long-term client relationships, earn a reputation for delivering results, and earn “a seat at the table” of corporate decision-making.
This revolutionary workshop will help you join the ranks of the politically savvy. Two highly interactive, fast-paced days will provide you with the awareness, practical skills, and tangible tools to help you and your team navigate the political minefield and elevate IT to the status it deserves.

Additional Workshops
CIO Insights: 5 Ingredients to Create A Culture of Innovation
To provide you with critical ideas and thought leadership to support your IT and Digital Transformation journey. We are happy to share the below videos. We hope you enjoy them and use the valuable knowledge to benefit your organisations